Monday, July 09, 2007

A Bit of Fry & Laurie

I was surfing through TV Links - the greatest site in the world, if you haven't seen it yet - and I stumbled across a show called "A Bit of Fry & Laurie." I said to myself, "Geez, that sounds to me like a show where famed British character actors Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry clown around and make understated British jokes and do random sketches. Wouldn't that be funny if that's what it was? I bet it's just some random cartoon, though." I clicked on it.

I'll be damned, it was a 25-year old BBC show where famed British character actors Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry clown around and make understated British jokes and do random sketches. Simply marvelous. Here's a link to the show.

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At July 09, 2007 9:11 PM, Blogger Erin said...


At July 10, 2007 8:35 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Speaking of funny internet videos, you gotta love Asian game shows!


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