Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Arthur The Intern: Week One

Andy asked me to make an "Arthur The Intern" video that was sort of like the Ross The Intern bits Letterman (actually, it was Leno, but that's understandable) used to do, only "not gay." The new guideline for what's going up on the screens in church: something that's not gay. Though that does give me a lot of room to play with, for once.

Arthur and I had met for the first time the day before, so we weren't really sure how this was going to work, but we chatted a bit and came up with this. Apparently people were in hysterics, rolling in the aisles. I'm not really sure why... it's not that funny. But here it is anyway. Andy decided that we're going to do one every week now.


I''ll put the second one up in a day or two.

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At June 06, 2007 9:56 PM, Blogger Assistant Village Idiot said...

Remember when we did that lip-sync contest in Wolfeboro when you were in 5th grade? One of our competitor acts was local real-estate agents in drag singing something from South Pacific. I knew then that we couldn't win. People watching local folks they know doing something ridiculous is just the funnsiest thing evah! Because the audience feels good about themselves because they're in on the joke.

Contrast this with Rachel Walker and pals doing any type of humorous farewell ceremony. It was never funny because no one in the audience was ever in on most of the jokes.

When you're in on the joke, it's all funny. Uproarious. Your audience is in on the jokes, so they love it. Sort of like us looking at old Jesse Tree films.

At June 07, 2007 3:43 PM, Blogger Ben Wyman said...

Yeah, but this was before anyone had ever met Arthur. No one knew who this cat was.

At June 07, 2007 7:26 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I agree...Texas needs a new sense of humor.

At June 08, 2007 5:11 AM, Blogger bs king said...

Good Lord...Rachel Walker farewells. I haven't thought about those in years. Those were awful. And long.

At June 08, 2007 5:32 PM, Blogger Assistant Village Idiot said...

And made my point.

At June 09, 2007 1:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I bet you don't make all ten of those. They were laughing cause they didn't know what else to do.

At June 09, 2007 8:40 PM, Blogger Dubbahdee said...

I'm about as far removed from the context as possible. I chuckled just because this intern guy was obviously so into it. He better be careful or he might end up becoming a youth pastor.


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